Why you should join or start a union.
Here are 9 reasons why everyone needs to join a union NOW:
- Union members earn more than non-union members
Union members have consistently earned more than non-union members. In 2015, for example, union members earned about $200 a week more than those who don’t belong to a union, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s $9,600 more a year. Union members also tend to receive more regular raises than non-union members.- Union members are more likely to have health insurance than non-union members
Union members have employer-provided health insurance and likely receive better coverage than those offered to non-union members.- Union members have more retirement security than non-union members
A secure retirement is one of the main reasons people join a union. Workers want to be able to retire without financial worries after decades of hard work. A secure retirement is a prized benefit for union members.- Union members are more likely to have paid sick leave and paid vacation than non-union members
Employees shouldn’t have to choose between a paycheck and our health or that of our loved ones. That’s why paid leave is one of the great benefits of being a union member.- Union members have better protections against abuses in the workplace
While non-union members are subject to the whims of their managers, union members are protected by a union contract that ensures fair treatment for everyone and there are procedures and protections for filing complaints or disciplinary actions.- Union members are less likely to get injured on the job than non-union members
Union reps ensure employers comply with workplace health and safety laws. Having a union also allows employees to report health and safety hazards without fear of retaliation from the employer.- Union members have better work-life balance than non-union members
Unionized workers tend to have more flexibility than non-union members when it comes to work schedules. Unionized workers are less likely to be forced to work overtime, let alone without pay.- Union members have better job security
Non-union members can get fired any time for any or no reason. If you are a union member, your manager must have a reason to discipline or fire you, and there is a procedure in place to make sure all parties are treated fairly.- Union members are happier than non-union members
According to a recent study , the benefits of being a union member go well beyond decent wages and retirement security. The authors found that “union members are more satisfied with their lives than those who are not members and that the substantive effect of union membership on life satisfaction is large and rivals other common predictors of quality of life.” In other words, unions boost the overall quality of life for their members.
How to Start a Union
Broaching the idea of unionizing can be intimidating when you don’t know how your coworkers feel. Don’t let that hold you back. Remember, sometimes, all it takes is for one person to speak up to spark momentum.
Once that happens, the road to unionization is a process that requires time, energy, participation and dedication. But it is all worth it when you gain the support of a union that can advocate for you and your coworkers through collective bargaining.
Essentially, there are five keys steps on the path to unionization, each with its own set of tasks to move the process forward.
- Build support for unionization.
- Host a union drive confirming majority support for unionization.
- Hold an election for unionization.
- Obtain certification from the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), if needed.
- Enter into contract negotiations with the employer.
National Labor Relations Board.gov

AFLCIO : 4 Steps to Form a Union
When you and your co-workers come together to form a union, you get the right to negotiate with your employer over wages, benefits and working conditions.
No matter what the industry you are in, or the labor law that covers it, the process for forming a union is similar.
- Get together with your co-workers who may share a common interest in organizing a union.
- Talk to a union organizer in order to strategize and to learn the next steps.
- Talk to your co-workers to build support for the union.
- Show that support through an election or a card-check once you have a strong majority.
Once your union is official, you’ll choose your leaders and negotiate a contract. The process is democratic, and the more inclusive you can be, the stronger your union will be.
Learn more about your rights to engage in union activity.https://aflcio.org/formaunion/4-steps-form-union
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